See - F.No.1-2/2012-Sch.3(Part-1)
See - P26/4/52 C.C
See - Certificate of Affiliation
See - Certificate of Registration-Govt of India (TM)
See - Certificate of Registration (ISO)
- ‘Mahatma Gandhi Board of Secondary & Vocational Education and Training’ is constituted by central govt.IT act 1882, regd. at national capital region(delhi) and MGBSVET is a minority Educational Institution, recognized by the National Commission for minority educational institution act 2004, covered under article 30 of the constitution of India.
- The secondary/matiriculation examination conducted by board is equivalent to Class 10.
- The senior secondary examination conducted by board is equivalent to Class 12.
- According to Govt. Of India National Education Policy. 1986 Mahatma Gandhi Board of Secondary & Vocational Education and Training is one of the best autonomous board of india.
- According to the ministry of home affairs. Govt. Of India notification no. 26/4/52 cc dated. 20.09.1952 issued in consultation. With the union public service commission. That in the case of degree /diploma awarded by Board/University/Council city in India. Which are in carporated by one act Of central of part the state legislature in India. No formal orders reorganization such. Degree/ diploma need be issued by Government. Such degree should be recognized automatically for the purpose of employment.
- MGBSVET has issued letters to various highly reputed universities to grant the permission for further studies for passed out candidates from this board.
- Under Human Rights Protection Act ,1993 autonomous bodies have been given special protection & consideration.( for further details refer: air 1993 sc-2178.)
- The Board/Council, Trustees/Members has the constitutional right under article 19 (1) (g) to pursue any profession or any occupation and running teaching institutes have been included as part of occupation as held by hon'ble supreme court in t.m.a. pai foundation vs. State of Karnataka (sc) 2003 (2) sct 385.
- MGBSVET is Govt. Recognised and running under Indian Education Act, under constitution of India and law of the land under article 19(1)g, 29 & 30.
We are an autonomous Educational Organisation and have no any concern with any similar named organisation.